When should I follow-up after an interview?

After an interview, sending a note to employers or hiring managers can express gratitude for their time and show an interest in the job. When done well, a note can put you top of mind. When not done at all? It can show that you’re too busy, or not interested in the job.

Making a final decision on a candidate can take weeks, so just one note may not be enough.

Before leaving a job interview be sure to ask what the timeline is for making a hire. Sometimes it can be days — sometimes it’s weeks or longer. But knowing how long you have can be crucial to knowing when to send the perfectly timed note to an interviewer.

It’s best to send a quick follow-up, immediately after the interview. Thank them for their time and let them know that you’re available for any follow-up questions. Use first names as much as you can, establish who you are and when you interviewed.

Here’s an example of a typical follow-up note:

Dear (Sir or Madam),
Thank you for your time and the opportunity to interview for the job you had open. (Be sure to list the job by its name and the day you interviewed.) I sincerely appreciate your consideration of my skills.
As we discussed earlier, during my interview, I think my skills perfectly match the candidate you’re looking for. (Be sure to include references to the interview and describe how your experience aligns with the job description.)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any further questions you may have and I sincerely appreciate your time.
(Include your name and contact information)

Once you’ve sent your follow-up email, wait longer until you’ve received a response or until they’ve indicated that they’re moving along in the hiring process. If, during the interview, they said they expect to fill the position within two weeks, send another note after a week to tell them you’re still interested in the job and to keep you in mind.

Making yourself available to the hiring manager or recruiter can be a timely notice that you’re still in the hunt and interested in the job.


Top questions you should ask during your interview